Namya Enhance

Namya is a powdered enhancement energy drinks company which produces and distributes products with a very high caffeine content to various markets, including Sporting environments, Golf Courses, wholesalers, retailers, bottle stores, factories, the gaming community, healthcare workers and everyone that needs to enhance different aspects of their everyday activities.

We have a focus on the following sectors: Golfing Fraternity, Wellness /Sporting, Student Affiliates, Selected Retail environment and the Informal trading market and will continue to establish strong partnerships and collaborative relationships with key stakeholders in each sector, such as sports organizations, personal trainers, nutrition outlets, sports arenas and golf courses, in order to increase product visibility and distribution.

Namya, can be classified as a new product category in the energy drinks market, and based on its powdered form it gives consumers the ability to control how much and how strong they wish to dilute and mix the contents.

For more information Click Here or contact Ryan “ Chef” Lurie – +27826557798 –